Home Cleaning Tips for Dog Parents: Say Goodbye to Fur and Odors


Are you a proud dog parent who loves cuddles and playtime with your furry friend but struggles to keep your home clean from the endless trail of fur and lingering odors?

It’s always pretty challenging to maintain a clean and fresh home when you have a dog, but it’s not impossible. With these home cleaning tips for dog parents, you can say goodbye to fur and odors and enjoy a spotless home that both you and your dog can enjoy.

Vacuum Frequently

Tired of seeing your dog’s fur all over your carpets and furniture? Vacuuming frequently is key to keeping those pesky pet hairs at bay. Make it a part of your regular cleaning routine to tackle shedding before it takes over your home. Invest in a high-quality vacuum cleaner with high-levels of suction power and specialized attachments to pick up fur easily from different surfaces.

Wash Pet Bedding

Pet bedding can quickly accumulate fur, dirt, and odors from your furry friend, making it essential to maintain cleanliness. To start off, remove any loose fur or debris by shaking out the bedding outside before tossing it in the washing machine. When it comes to the detergent, be sure it’s safe for pets to avoid any potential skin irritation. Washing the bedding with hot water will help kill bacteria and eliminate odors effectively. And, of course, make sure to thoroughly dry the pet bedding either by air-drying or using a dryer on a low heat setting to prevent mold growth.

Always Use Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products

As mentioned, harsh chemicals can be harmful to your dog’s health and may even irritate their skin or respiratory system. Opting for natural, non-toxic cleaners will not only keep your pup safe but also create a healthier environment for your entire family. Many eco-friendly brands offer effective solutions that are gentle on both your pet and the planet. Many cleaning services in plymouth use these products for cleaning the floor and upholstery. These cleaners also won’t compromise on cleanliness or safety.

Invest in Air Purification

Last but not least, with our furry friends shedding fur and leaving behind odors, you’ve got to have a quality air purifier, especially one with HEPA filters. Air purifiers work by filtering out pet dander, hair, dust, and other allergens that can accumulate in the air. By continuously circulating and cleaning the air in your home, these devices help reduce unwanted particles that contribute to unpleasant smells and potential respiratory issues.

Hire a Professional Domestic Cleaner

Tackling pet hair and odors can be a constant battle for many dog parents. Despite your best efforts, sometimes it feels like you just can’t stay on top of it all. This is where hiring a professional domestic cleaner can make a world of difference in maintaining a clean and fresh home environment.

Professional cleaners have all the experience, tools, and techniques right to effectively remove stubborn pet hair from carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces that regular vacuuming might miss.…